
Business Directory

All of your business categories can be found under Site Manager > Content > Business and then click Categories on the DakBar.

Business categories allow you to organize your businesses for display on your website. Each business should be assigned to a category.

Adding a Business Category

You can add a business category by clicking Add on the Category List page. Your options are:

  • Category Name - this appears on the when a business is assigned to it.
  • Category Description - This description appears on the category page.

After a category is saved for the first time, you can add subcategories. You can add them via the Manage Subcategories area at the bottom of the category's edit page.

Editing a Business Category

To edit a business category, click anywhere on the business category you'd like to edit on the Category List. Alternatively, you can also edit the property by clicking Edit Business Category on the DakBar (upper right) if you are logged into your DaknoAdmin and are on the business category's page. Edit the category as needed.

All of your businesses can be found under Manage Content > Business .

If you haven't yet, be sure to set up relevant Business Categories. Businesses will appear on category pages that they are assigned to, making it easier to navigate through your directory. If a business is not assigned to a category, it can still be searched for via Keyword via the search on the business directory.

Adding a Business

To add a business, select Add Business by clicking Add on the Businesses List page. Your main options are:

  • Business Name (required) - The name of your business
  • Business Information (various fields)
  • Show on website - checkbox, this allows you to disable a business, without deleting it. Useful for temporarily hiding a business.
  • Business Logo - you can upload a logo here, we recommend uploading a resized image that isn't too large.
  • Business Description - describe the business here.

Adding a Business to a Category

Once you have categories set up, you can add the business to a category or categories. This will allow visitors to navigate through your business directory via category.

To add a business to a category, select the main category and a subcategory, if desired, and click Add. Repeat if the business belongs in more than one category.

Editing a Business Category

To edit a business, click anywhere on the business you'd like to edit on the Business List. Alternatively, you can also edit the property by clicking Edit Business on the DakBar (upper right) if you are logged into your DaknoAdmin and are on the business's page. Edit the business as needed.

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