We now offer the ability to insert icons as SVG instead of as PNG images. This allows you to change the color on the fly as needed. If a color is not set, the default color will be #222222 (a very dark gray).
Using SVG on websites
Insert an SVG on the page just like you would an external image, ensure you specify the size, the default height and width is 160px x 160px. Width and Height must be set to ensure compatibility with older browsers. Your SVG image URL will be formatted as follows replacing the dakno URL with your own URL:
<img src="https://www.dakno.com/icons/base/pencil" width="90" height="90" alt="Pencil">
You can aslo use it as a shortcode:
[svg collection="base" icon_name="pencil" height="80" icon_color="main"]
Let's break this apart piece by piece:
https://www.dakno.com is your domain URL, please update it based on the domain you're currently on.
icons - This is static and will never change. This must be all lowercase as it is case sensitive.
base - This is your collection name. This must be all lowercase as it is case sensitive.
pencil - This is your icon's name, see the "List of Available Icons" section for names. This must be all lowercase as it is case sensitive.
The default color of all icons right now is #222. There will be a future update to set it to the main body color. If you would like to change the color you can add it to the end of the URL:
<img src="https://www.dakno.com/icons/base/pencil/COLOR" width="90" height="90" alt="Pencil">
Replace COLOR with either a keyword or a hex value:
main - This is the site's main color.
alt - This is the site's alt color, usually dark, by default this is usually #555, but may be reset depending on the design.
accent - This is the site's alt color (usually light or opposite of the main color, this tends to be white or light gray).
text - This is the site's body font color
link - This is the site's link color
header - This is the site's heading color
000000 - This is your color's hex value. This is case insensitive and must be 3 or 6 characters long in a valid hex code. If not it will show the default color, so if the color is not changing, make sure you didn't include the # or characters other than 0-9 or a-F.
List of Available Icons
logos collection:
- realtor
- eho
- activerain
- bookmark
- flickr
- foursquare
- googleplus
- photoblog
- rss
- skype
- vimeo
- yelp
- youtube
Material collection:
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- close
- email-outline
- menu
- phone
base collection:
- 1, 1-script, 1-serif, 1-circle
- 2, 2-script, 2-serif, 2-circle
- 3, 3-script, 3-serif, 3-circle
- 4, 4-script, 4-serif
- 5 , 5-script, 5-serif
- 6, 6-script, 6-serif
- 7, 7-script, 7-serif
- 8, 8-script, 8-serif
- 9, 9-script, 9-serif
- 10, 10-script, 10-serif
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- add
- anchor
- art
- artist-palette
- auction
- backpack
- balloons
- baseball
- basketball
- beachchair
- beauty
- bed
- bell
- bike
- binoculars
- bluetooth
- boat
- bone
- bookshelf
- bowling
- box
- boxing
- briefcase
- bucket-shovel
- building
- building-3
- calculator
- calendar
- camera
- canoe
- car
- cards
- celebration
- cellphone
- cellphone-2
- chatbubble
- chat-bubble
- chat-bubble-dots
- chat-bubbles
- checkmark
- chef
- clipboard
- community
- compass
- copy
- cutting-board
- darts
- desktop
- dishwasher
- dj
- document
- download
- email-fill
- email-outline
- event-tent
- exercise
- fax
- fire
- fish-hook
- fishing
- flashlight
- flipflops
- floorplan
- folder
- football
- fork-knife
- for-rent
- for-sale
- garage
- garage-square
- gas
- gift
- golf
- graduation
- grill
- grilling-tools
- groceries
- guitar
- hammer
- hammer-screwdriver
- headphones
- health
- heart
- help
- hiking
- house
- house-no-details
- icecream
- info
- innertube
- innertubes
- kayak
- kettlebell
- key
- laptop
- leaf
- lighthouse
- list
- location-pin
- location-pin-with-path
- lotsize
- magic
- magnifying-glass
- map
- map-details
- marker
- martini
- meal
- meditation
- mobile
- mountains
- movie
- moving-truck
- music-note
- no
- notepad
- old-building
- paddles
- palm-tree
- paperclip
- pawprint
- pencil
- person
- phone
- phone-bg
- phone-calling
- phone-fill
- phone-outline
- picnic
- pill
- pingpong
- plane
- play (pending)
- pocketknife
- police
- pool-ball
- popcorn
- popsicle
- presale
- remove
- roller-suitcase
- rss
- running
- sailboat
- scheme
- search
- search-add
- seashell
- shoe
- shopping-bag
- shopping-cart
- shower
- siteplan
- snorkel
- soccer
- star
- stethoscope
- storefront
- suitcase
- sunglasses
- sunrise
- surfboards
- swimming
- tag
- tags
- taxi
- teacup
- tennis
- tent
- termometer
- texting
- theatre
- tie
- tooth
- train
- trash
- tree
- trees
- triangular-ruler
- umbrella
- user-female
- user-male
- users
- volleyball
- waves
- weight
- wifi
- wine-glass
- wrench
- yacht
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
lynny collection:
- arrow-circle-down
- arrow-circle-up
- arrow-circle-left
- arrow-circle-right
- arrow-down
- arrow-up
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-outline-curved-down
- arrow-outline-curved-up
- arrow-outline-curved-left
- arrow-outline-curved-right
- arrow-outline-down
- arrow-outline-up
- arrow-outline-left
- arrow-outline-right
- bell
- billboard
- binoculars
- bone
- bookmark
- bottle
- bowtie
- broadcast
- browser
- calculator
- calendar
- camera
- cash-register
- chart
- chart-2
- chart-flow
- chart-pie
- chat-bubble-dots
- chat-bubbles
- chatbubble
- checkmark
- checkmark_circle
- chevron-circle-down
- chevron-circle-left
- chevron-circle-right
- chevron-circle-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-outline-down
- chevron-outline-left
- chevron-outline-right
- chevron-outline-up
- chevron-right
- chevron-square-down
- chevron-square-left
- chevron-square-right
- chevron-square-up
- chevron-up
- clipboard
- clock
- close
- cloud
- code
- coffee
- compass
- compress
- credit-card
- desk
- desktop
- diamond
- document
- dollar
- dollar-sign
- download
- email-outline
- emails-outline
- envelope
- envelopes
- exclamation-point-circle
- expand
- eye
- filing
- flag
- folder
- folders
- funnel
- gear
- gear-complex
- globe
- graduation
- graph_bar
- hammer
- headphones
- heart
- house
- info
- infosign
- internet
- key
- key_on_ring
- keyboard
- laptop
- lightning-bolt
- list
- location-pin
- location-pin-with-path
- lock-closed
- lock-open
- magnifying-glass
- map
- map-details
- megaphone
- microphone
- microphone-2
- minus
- monument
- moon
- mouse
- music-note
- music-note-2
- newcon
- newspaper
- nightstand
- no
- notepad
- paperclip
- pencil
- pencil-on-paper
- people-2
- people-3
- person-female
- person-male
- phone
- phone-calling
- phone-mobile
- picture
- pin
- play-button
- plus
- popsicle
- power-button
- present
- printer
- purse
- question-mark-circle
- raindrop
- receipt
- refresh
- refresh-2
- rocket
- rss
- safe
- science
- scissors
- sent
- shopping-bag
- shopping-cart
- shredder
- sign-street
- sound
- sound-increase
- star
- stars
- storefront
- suitcase
- sun
- tablet
- tag
- tags
- target
- thermometer
- tie
- trash
- tree
- umbrella
- upload
- video-recorder
- wallet
- warning
- wind
- wineglass
- world
- wrench
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
fa-regular collection
- arrow-alt-circle-down
- arrow-alt-circle-left
- arrow-alt-circle-right
- arrow-alt-circle-up
- building
- calendar-alt
- comment
- comment-alt
- comments
- compass
- envelope
- envelope-open
- heart
- lightbulb
- map
- paper-plane
- question-circle
- star
- star-half
fa-solid collection
- address-book
- angle-down
- angle-left
- angle-right
- angle-up
- arrow-alt-circle-down
- arrow-alt-circle-left
- arrow-alt-circle-right
- arrow-alt-circle-up
- arrow-circle-down
- arrow-circle-left
- arrow-circle-right
- arrow-circle-up
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- arrows-alt
- award
- baseball-ball
- basketball-ball
- bath
- bed
- bicycle
- binoculars
- bone
- bowling-ball
- box
- box-open
- building
- bus
- bus-alt
- calculator
- calendar-alt
- camera
- camera-retro
- car
- car-side
- chart-line
- chart-pie
- check
- check-circle
- check-square
- chevron-circle-down
- chevron-circle-left
- chevron-circle-right
- chevron-circle-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- city
- close (pending)
- coffee
- coins
- comment
- comment-alt
- comments
- cube
- cubes
- directions
- door-closed
- door-open
- edit
- envelope
- envelope-open
- envelope-open-text
- envelope-square
- exclamation-circle
- expand
- expand-arrows-alt
- fax
- film
- fish
- flask
- football-ball
- futbol
- gift
- globe-americas
- golf-ball
- heart
- heartbeat
- home
- hospital
- info
- info-circle
- key
- lightbulb
- link
- lock
- lock-open
- map
- map-marked
- map-marked-alt
- map-marker
- map-marker-alt
- map-pin
- map-signs
- mobile
- mobile-alt
- paint-roller
- pencil-ruler
- people-carry
- phone
- phone-volume
- piggy-bank
- question
- question-circle
- quote-left
- quote-right
- route
- ruler-combined
- school
- search
- search-dollar
- search-location
- search-minus
- search-plus
- shipping-fast
- shopping-bag
- shopping-basket
- shopping-cart
- shower
- sign
- star
- star-half
- star-half-alt
- subway
- suitcase
- swimmer
- swimming-pool
- tag
- tags
- taxi
- thumbtack
- truck
- truck-loading
- truck-moving
- user-graduate
- utensils
- vector-square
- video
- wheelchair
- wrench