Once more than one staff profile has been filled out on your website you may want to make sure the order is what you want it to be. You have two options for sorting your staff members:
- Specified Order
- Alphabetical, by last name
Select Sort Type
To select, or confirm your sort type go to Settings > Settings.
- Scroll down to Staff Settings
- Select Specified Order or Alphabetical
- Click Save
If you select Alphabetical, your staff will be sorted automatically by last name on your /staff.php page.
Specified Order Management
If you have selected specified order as your staff sort type, you can manage the order by navigating to Settings > People and then Click Order Staff on the DakBar.
You will be presented a list of all the people on your site that have a staff profile. To order them, drag and drop the names in the order you'd like them to appear. Once you've adjusted the order to your liking, click Save.