All of your neighborhoods can be found under Content Manager > Content > Neighborhoods. You can view a list of your active neighborhoods on your website by navigating to
Adding a Neighborhood
To add a neighborhood, select Add on the Neighborhood List page.
The minimum required options are:
- Page URL - this is the URL that the area will be accessed at on your website. All neighborhoods start with /neighborhood/
- Neighborhood Name - this is the name of the neighborhood, it displays at the top of the page.
You may also set the active Status: Draft allows you to quickly deactivate and remove a niehgborhood from your site without deleting it. Publish activates the page on your site, making it viewable by your clients.
The additional options for each neighborhood page include:
Neighborhood Location
- Address: The street address of your neighborhood, if applicable.
- City: The city where the neighborhood is located.
- State: State (or Province, if applicable) where the neighborhood is located.
- Zip: The zip or postal code of the neighborhood.
- Area: The area that the neighborhood is located in. This will allow the neighborhood to appear on the corresponding area page.
- Geocode: Auto|Manual|None - this controls the map on the bottom of the page. Auto geocode will use the city, state, zip data provided to map the neighborhood. Manual will allow you to use the map to plot your point. None hides the map entirely.
- Map: When manual is selected you can use the map to pinpoint where you'd like the map to display the neighborhood location.
Neighborhood Details
- Minimum Price: minimum price, if 0, the minimum price will not show.
- Maximum Price: maximum price, if 0, the maximum price will not show.
- Minimum Sq Ft: minimum square footage, if 0, the minimum sq ft will not show.
- Maximum Sq Ft: maximum square footage, if 0, the maximum sq ft will not show.
- Options: ptions - this is used to insert special features custom to your design. Learn more about options.
Price and Sq Ft ranges behave differently depending on how min and max are set.
- Min and Max are both set: $minprice - $maxprice or minsqft - maxsqft sq ft.
- Only Min is set: $minprice and up or minsqft sq ft and up
- Only Max is set: Up to $maxprice or Up to maxsqft sq ft
Additional Options
- Title Tag: this displays in the browser tab and is also useful for search engines
- Meta Description: this is a description of the page content (160 characters) that helps communicate to a search engine what is on your page in a succinct manner.
- External Listings URL: This overwrites the View Listings URL that is auto generated if there are properties attached to the neighborhood. If defined, a link that says View Listings in Neighborhood Name will appear.
- RSS Feed: this displays the latest 5 entries on an RSS feed. For a saved search, this means the last 5 modified properties included on the feed will show.
Custom Graphics Box
This is a wysiwyg editor that allows you to display feature graphics or additional information directly below the neighborhood overview.
Neighborhood Description
This is a wysiwyg editor that allows you to add information about the neighborhood. This will display below the neighborhood overview and photos, but above the map.
Upload Photos
At the very bottom of the edit page, there is an area where you can upload photos. These photos will create a photo viewer at the top of the neighborhood page. Photos can be dragged and dropped onto this area, or if you are not using a browser that supports drag and drop, clicking Upload a file will allow you to navigate to the photos. More information and tips about adding photos.
Editing a Neighborhood
To edit a neighborhood simply click anywhere on the neighborhood you'd like to edit on the Neighborhood List. Edit the neighborhood as needed.
The Page URL for a neighborhood can be updated. When renaming, a page will show asking you if you'd like to create a redirect. If it is an older, established page, we recommend accepting the redirect. This way visitors that have the old address (either through a search engine, or a direct link) can still find the page.