
Seller Form

The seller form places a form on your page that allows a visitor to submit their address, some information about their property, and their contact information. 

This form has an additional feature. We understand some people may not want to provide their contact information, but are willing to put in their address to see what their property may be worth. We collect the address and send it to you if they do not complete the personal information portion for your records.

-> Introduction to shortcodes

The Seller Form shortcode has 5 options:

  • Modal Map Type: Satellite or Streets (satellite is default)
  • Require Phone Number: Yes or No (no is default)
  • Address Placeholder (optional): default is "Address, City, State, Zip"
  • Unit Placeholder (optional): default is Apt/Unit
  • Button Text (optional): default is Find Out Now
  • Pre-Submit Address (optional): default is Yes *

* When Pre-Submit address is set to Yes the address will be used to create a new contact, even if no other information is provided. Setting this value to No will only create a contact if the whole process is completed.

Seller Form Example View

Initial view of shortcode. The address box shows suggestions so an address can be entered in faster.


Popup that shows once the "Find Out Now" button is pressed. Here a user can enter more information about their property. A map also shows showing the location of their property.


The page that shows when "View" is pressed. Here a user can enter their contact information.


The page that shows when "Send Now" is pressed. A thank you is shown and a button to close the popup.


To manage the thank you note, as well as the auto-repsonders for this form, visit your form manager and click on "Seller Lead".

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