There are three options that can be set with this shortcode:
- Staff: Select your staff member from the list.
- Type: Staff or Social
- Shape (optional) - default uploaded shape: square, this will use the square version of your image instead of the original size.
- Size (optional) - default 16: This is the size of the social media icons, numbers are rounded to the nearest available size.
Selecting the staff type will display:
- First and Last Name
- Designation
- Short Description or Excerpt
- Contact Phone Numbers
- Email Address
- Social Media Links
- Listings URL
- Read More link that links to their full staff page
Selecting the social type will display:
- Social Media Links for the selected person
Primary Staff Member
Using just [staff] or just [social] will display the information associated with the primary person. This is designated by the check under the Make Primary headline on the People List.
Random Staff Member
To display a random staff member use:
[staff random="true"]
The social media icon size option can also be added to this shortcode.
Icon Color
We currently support two color varieties of social media icons. White or full color. The default is full color. If you have a darker background and would like to show white icons, add icon_color="white" to the shortcode.
[staff icon_color="white"]
Hide Options
You can hide specific fields using the "hideoptions" command.
You can utilize the following commands with this option:
- Headshot -- staff photo
- Name -- First/Last Name
- Designation -- Designation
- Contact -- Contact info (phone, email, fax)
- Social -- Social Media icons
- Readmore -- Read More link to their staff page
- Propertylinks -- Featured Property link
You can use multiple "hideoptions" at once by using a comma-separated list.
[staff hideoptions="description,readmore,propertylinks"]
In the above, hide the description, read more, and featured property link we could pass the arguments description, readmore, and propertylinks.