Have contacts you'd like to import from another system? You can easily import them into DaknoAdmin.
Get Started
- Log into your DaknoAdmin account
- From the Activity Switcher, select Lead Management
- From the Left-Hand Menu, select Contacts
- On the top bar, select Import CSV.
Importing your CSV
- Locate or Create your CSV file for upload. See "Tips to Prepare Your CSV" below
- Press Choose File and navigate to where your CSV was saved.
- Press Upload.
Configuring Your Import
- After your upload completes, select the appropriate CRM field for each of your columns.
- If your CSV has a header row, be sure to check the box next to When importing, ignore the first row.
- Set a Default "Assign to" agent that these imported leads will be assigned to. Any client not assigned to an agent by the CSV will be assigned to this default instead.
- Select Import to complete the process of importing your contacts. They will appear in your contact list with a tag of the date they were imported to easily select them.
Tips to prepare your CSV
- Many programs, such as Microsoft Excell, support exporting to CSV.
- If you are on a Mac, export your file as CSV for Windows.
- Each Note should be separated into its own column. Therefore, if a client has 5 notes, they should have 5 note columns
- Each tag can have its own column or you can list all of your tags in a single column, separated by commas
- You can set a default agent for your imported listings to be assigned to.
- If you assign a column to "Assign To (email)," you can override the default agent. This will allow you to assign clients to multiple agents from a single CSV
- Sometimes even after doing everything right the CSV still doesn't work. Please contact us, we'll help get it saved right so you can import your contacts.
- The data that can be imported is:
- Title
- Full Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Suffix
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Address
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- Zip
- Assign To (email)
- Tags
- Note
- Quick Info